anveshan karana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. However, this suspension of judgment (epoche) does not remove the sensitive perception, it allows, on the contrary, use it to explore how phenomena appear and how thoughts are judged 2. If the tip radius reading is not small relative to the minimum radius of curvature of the groove, the tip can not properly explore the profile of the groove, which provides contact distortions 3. If, conversely, it can detect the top with a reader carried by the tape, it is sufficient to explore the ribbon at the same speed of 10 centimeters per second to obtain a top every second 4. In fact, it should explore the company taking into account the different points of view humans 5. In the fall, while Kepler had just published the first two of his famous kinematic laws of planetary motion, he began to use the device to explore the sky

Given are the examples of hindi word anveshan karana usage in english sentences. The examples of anveshan karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., explore.

Archaeologists also explore and excavate (dig under the surface of the earth) to find tools, weapons, pots, pans, ornaments and coins.पुरातत्त्वविद् औज़ारों, हथियारों, बतर्नों, आभूषणों तथा सिक्कों की प्राप्ति के लिए छान-बीन तथा खुदाई भी करते हैं|

At another level, we explore the intricate question, how do goods reach these markets? We examine how a chain of markets operates and the role of wholesale markets within this, through the case study of a wholesale vegetable market.
Though it is not a measurable quantity, it does provide a means of predicting the nature of force that holds a pair of atoms together a relationship that you will explore later.
We shall now try to explore relationships between these fundamental properties of elements with their chemical reactivity.
The number of poems has been increased to help learners explore this great source of language, derive the joy of learning through poetry, and understand the music of words.
This is the question we will explore in this chapter.
If tens of millions of Indians today drop everything to watch the Indian team play a Test match or a one-day international, it is reasonable for a history of India to explore how that stick-and-ball game invented in south-eastern England became the ruling passion of the Indian sub-continent.
The colonised, however, believed that the novel allowed them to explore their own identities and problems, their own national concerns.
What inspired the authors to write novels? Who read the novels? How did the culture of reading develop? How did the novels grapple with the problems of societal change within a colonial society? What kind of a world did novels open up for the readers? Let us explore some of these questions by focusing primarily on the writings of three authors from different regions: Chandu Menon, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay and Premchand.
At the same time they explore how different groups begin to question or reflect upon their own identities.
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